Posted by Lone Wolf Arms on 27th Apr 2023
Lone Wolf Arms Drops Their Prices to Combat Inflation
A message from our CEO, Nate Treadaway:
We know it’s a tough time in the economy, but you shouldn’t be the ones to suffer the consequences of rapidly increasing prices on basic life necessities. You also shouldn’t have to decide whether it’s more important to protect your family or feed it. And yet, the reality is that we are all having to make those decisions.
After careful consideration, we have decided to re-evaluate our pricing. You are our top priority and we know that your family is yours. That’s why in 2023, we have lowered our everyday prices on many of our most popular items. We are doing this to ensure that you are able to continue to exercise your 2nd amendment right to bear arms and improve the reliability of those arms to protect your family to the best of your ability. And it's important to clarify that we have done so without compromising any of our quality standards or material specifications. We are simply tightening our belt just like every hard working American has had to do recently.
We appreciate your support to our brand and are committed to ensuring that we provide the best values in handgun upgrades and personalization. We are also excited to bring you new products and innovations and pledge to continue to work hard to provide you with high quality products that you can afford!