LWD Extended Slide Stop For Glock 36

(2 reviews)

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You are purchasing a LWD-7496-36. This part has been modified to fit the G36 ONLY.
Lone Wolf Distributors offers a superior Extended Slide Stop, part number LWD-7496-36. Shooters will be quick to notice the LWD-7496-36 offers all the same basic benefits and construction of the Glock factory part however, fit and finish are simply outstanding!  
Installing this part instantly converts your Glock pistol from a slide stop to a "slide release". Hit the lever and you will notice faster reloads and smoother mag changes. Perfect for recreational shooters, self defense and the serious competitor. When you have a need for speed the LWD-7496 delivers!
Installs the same as any other slide stop.

(2 reviews) Write a Review
  • 1
    Extended slide release M36

    Posted by Perry Jones on 14th Aug 2023

    After install it would not work correctly. I had to move it by hand up & down it was dragging on frame so bad. VERY BAD CHOICE Per customer service: Customer to be refunded for the purchase.

  • 5
    Extended Slide Stop M 36

    Posted by Joseph Tevere on 2nd Feb 2023

    Very happy with this product, no failures whatsoever on all different types of ammunition used including rapid fire!